Sunday, December 9, 2012

Party and creative ideas for children; Tips on what not to do

Great party ideas on a budget tight? ... Not ChanceWe all want the best for our children, especially when it comes to throwing their parts. However, if you take a look at a typical day "theme", is very likely to have a heart attack in the process. Get ready to mortgage your House, sell your car and call your uncle Vito for a loan. It is not easy or cheap to take care of your children today. If you think I'm kidding, take a look at the cost of some of the ideas of today's hottest party.Let's start at the top of the budget busting list and get that out of the way. If you want to really impress your child, rent a giant room and invite approximately 50 to 100 of his best friends. The food doesn't have to be fancy, as most kids are happy with pizza and burgers.

But to make it special, invite the paparazzi. No, I am not kidding. Make this a genuine three ring circus complete with photos. It will be a party that never forgets your boyfriend.Children dress up in costumes and have them act out a movie. You can find companies that provide costumes, set design, props, the script and, of course, take the video. Cost? About 3,000 dollars and that is cheap.OK, I don't want to spring for the gigantic Hall and the paparazzi? How about a day at Chuckie Cheeze, complete with pizza and games for children of about 30. You're watching a day of fun and games, not to mention the clown guest and other forms of entertainment. This is about $ 300 not including the amount of money you intend to spend on games and other entertainment.

That money can add up. Children do not just want to sit around and watch other guys play games. Then add another $ 10.00 per child.Another very expensive party idea is to have a night of nostalgia. Choose a period of time, such as years, 60 years or 70 years ' 80 and the boys in authentic period clothing. Clothes alone are going to cost you hundreds of dollars. Forget the room and food style befitting this time. We are talking about close to $ 2,000 if it's a penny.Also thinking of having a party at home, complete with decorations and a guest magician can run into quite a few bucks. Most wizards today not yet walk into your House for less than $ 300.

Add to that the cost of food, candy boxes and whatever else you decide to spring for, and you're looking at easily $ 700. Hire, a dog and pony show for your party for the little ones. Literally. Dancing dogs can entertain the little ones, while the older ones riding ponies. Once you are looking for an outlay of over $ 500.00before start hyperventilating there is hope. With some imagination you can come up with fabulous party ideas for kids without breaking the Bank.

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